Hello GIS families and students, our names are Mrs. Martell and Mrs. Skowronski and we are the counselors at GIS. We are so excited to be able to work with you and your student/s. We are here to support their academic and social emotional needs. We can meet with students individually, in a group setting and also provide classroom lessons. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. We are support for the student and family.
We are also excited to be able to offer additional medical and social emotional supports and services at GIS provided by the Health Department of Northwest Michigan.
Services include:
- Behavioral health assessment to determine level of care and needed services.
- Treatment plans to best support your child's goals.
- Individual, group and family therapy.
- Collaboration with school staff, with parent/guardian and client permission, to support the child in the school setting.
- Health assessment and counseling on risk reduction.
- Chronic disease management in partnership with primary care provider.
- Treatment of minor injuries.
- Basic laboratory services and testing.
More information and paperwork can be found: https://nwhealth.org/mhwp.html
Additional Resources:
- Financial/health insurance resources
- United Way (For general community resource inquiries): 2-1-1 or https://www.211nemichigan.org/
Health Department of Northwest Michigan: 989-732-6865 or 231-330-4693 or www.nwhealth.org
Free or low cost health coverage for children under the age of 19 or pregnant women of any age. Go to MIBridges at www.mibridges.michigan.gov/access or call the MI Child and Healthy Kids number: 888.988.6300.
- Mental health services
- Blue Devil Wellness Center: 989 732-6890 or email mdubie@nwhealth.org
- 24 hour mental health crisis line: 1-877 470-4668 (North Country Community Mental Health-www.norcocmh.org) - Crisis counselor text line (24/7, national service): text HOME to 741741
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
- OK2SAY: https://www.michigan.gov/ok2say/ - For medical or safety emergencies, families should continue to call 9-1-1.
- Michigan Centralized Intake for Abuse and Neglect toll-free hotline: 855-444-3911
Social/emotional Resources
Trails to Wellness: https://trailstowellness.org/
Parent Toolkit around social emotional health: http://www.parenttoolkit.com/topics/social-and-emotional
Mindfulness Activities for Families (provided by MAISD Mindfulness trainers)
Activities that teach coping skills that families can do together to increase healthy and safe conversations and feelings around the current state we are in right now. This will include printable handouts and links to free mindfulness activities, This will be updated with a new online folder each week that can be accessed by clicking on the link. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1PLb4xzisJ6664mKT5GR-g3qz2wNjLcB0
Michigan Model for Health Family Resource Sheets on germs, stopping spread, and stress management https://drive.google.com/open?id=1SkB86btzegxYAzN13DPw1sTkbdUu9i22 (you will need to download)
Coping Infographic: Helping Children Cope with Stress During COVID-19 Infographic
Healthy Homes: Action for Healthy Kids-Healthy Activities to do at home. It includes ideas from nutrition to relaxation techniques, yoga, etc...